
Tuesday, October 30, 2007


What’s her name again? You know you’ve met before, but your mind is a complete blank. You remember the face, but the name is erased.

Don’t panic or feel bad about it. Everyone has memory blanks. We are all overloaded with information, and meet many new people.

When you run into someone at a networking or business event, and encounter a blank, simply reintroduce yourself by saying something like: I’m (your name). I know we’ve met before, but my mind has gone blank. Please remind me of your name.

Chances are the other person will be grateful for being spared the humiliation of not remembering your name, and will reintroduce herself as well. If you remember where you met, you can also say: We met last year at the ABC Conference.

If you run into someone you’ve met in the past and they don’t address you by your name, assume they have forgotten your name and help them out. Never ask: Do you remember me? It will only make them feel bad if they don’t. If someone seems to be struggling to remember your name, quickly introduce yourself again.
An important part of remembering names is to help people remember your name. If your name is unusual or difficult to pronounce, help the person out by spelling it, or writing it down. You can smile and say, “I know it’s a tough one,” but don’t make a big deal of it. If possible, associate your name with something, or tell them something your name rhymes with.

When you meet someone new, say your name slowly and clearly. Pause between your first and last name. If your name is difficult or unusual, you can make a light joke about the spelling. I sometimes say: My name is Lynda – with a Y. It helps people visualize my name when I tell them it’s spelled differently from the usual spelling of Linda with the letter i.

The important thing is not to make a big deal out of forgetting someone’s name. Simple introduce yourself again, and ask them again for their name if they don’t give it to you right away. Don’t beat yourself up about it. The more effort you put into it, the easier it will be to remember names

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